I'm back, baby! Blogging on this and my other blog should pick up, now that I'll be able to take full lunches at work again.
Playoffs: If anyone's interested in wiping the slate clean and pitching in another 5 bucks, we can do something else for the remaining 8 playoff teams. I'm proposing a "confidence pool", which is pretty much a one-and-done pick. (like a NCAA tourney bracket, you just submit picks and let it run for a few weeks. Lower maintenence.)
Confidence pool works like this: You assign each team a number, 1-8. 8 is for the team you think is best, on down to 1 for the team you think is worst. As the playoffs progress, you get the points for the winning teams each week - i.e. 8 points if your "best team" wins, etc. After the Superbowl, whoever has the most points wins. If it's possible to have a tie after the Superbowl, we'll have people predict a final score beforehand; that will serve as a tiebreaker if necessary.
So, let me know your thoughts.
January 2:
Me (Should have read about the game first - no starters for Indy.) Colts over Broncs. Lost.
Sorens: Keeps on riding the Pats horse, and it's good to him.
AJ: Packers over Chicago. The Bears only burn me, not AJ.
Al: Panthers over Saints. Somehow the Saints played up to their potential for about the 2nd time this season. Loss.
Final Standings:
Me 8
Al 8
Eric 11
AJ 12 - winner of $20 (net $15)
ps - feel free to double-check the standings. I haven't been doing anything smart, like keeping a spreadsheet - it's all in the blog. Let me know if I need to fix any error.
December 26:
Everyone except Al: Eagles over Rams. We all lose, and Al doesn't get a pick in, so there's no change.
December 19:
Al, Sorens (EnJ) and Me: Pats over Dolphins. Oops. They lost.
AJ: Colts over Ravens. Good pick.
Me: 8 pts
Al: 8 pts
Eric: 10 pts
AJ: 11 pts